Sophie Kathirgamanathan

Sophie Kathirgamanathan

Sophie Kathirgamanathan

My name is Sophie. I am Sri Lankan Tamil, born and brought up in France and moved to the UK when I became a moody teen. I currently live in Watford having lived in London since I came to the UK. I work and study in London. I work in clinical trials for the NHS and study part-time for a Masters in Research. Why don’t we also throw two kids in the mix too? I had my daughter as my 21st birthday present and my son as my graduation present. I am a campaigner raising awareness of who young mums/young women really are.

As a young woman with no formal qualification or experience, I worked 0 hour contracts, experienced sexism. As a young mum, I was ridiculed for wanting to study, I was discriminated at a job interview because I had a young family, I was abused. As a working woman, my husband had to give up his job due to childcare cost, I'm working poor, I had no flexible working at the start of my career. As a student, I had no guidance or career advice in STEM jobs or how to manage studies and parenthood. As a 2nd generation immigrant, I had to fight to be included in this society and overcome racism and gender equality. this is why I joined WEP and ran my local branch. I want to give women their voice back and make London understand that gender equality is the way forward!


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Published and promoted by Catherine Smith on behalf of the Women's Equality Party
at Women's Equality Party, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

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