Time for justice. - stiffleaf's suggestion

Time for justice.

Time for justice.

The moment I heard Sandi announce the formation of the party on April 30th I expressed my (somewhat intemperate) enthusiasm on twitter because sexism cripples society, leaving a culture that's trying to walk on one leg. Discrimination across the world seems to be growing rather than disappearing; inequalities in the UK are a disgraceful waste of potential as well as being unfair and unethical; vicious attacks on feminism abound in both traditional and social media and it's high time for radical change. Half the world is getting a raw deal and if it pisses me off it's undoubtedly worse for those on the shit end of the stick. Pressure groups can only do so much and we've long needed a political party with equality at the heart of all that it does; the crying need for this doesn't end with women's equality but it should surely start with it.

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