I'm bored of pretending that we already have societal fairness - Charlotte Griffiths' suggestion

I'm bored of pretending that we already have societal fairness

I'm bored of pretending that we already have societal fairness

Too many women are scared, embarrassed, ashamed to talk about the problems or injustice that they feel about being a women in this society. It is seen as dramatic, ungrateful or even worse due to our menstruation. I think we need politicians that will stand up as women for women's issues; as opposed to the women that, yes, whilst physically are women, only focus on and promote a male agenda. Yet equality is not necessarily fair. We need to reassess the characteristics that we as a society value- emotion is not weaker than rationality, being a caregiver is not lesser than being a CEO. Everyone has something to offer and we need a party that realises this.

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