I hope there will be a day that there is no more "something for the 1st time for women". - beryl noori's suggestion

I hope there will be a day that there is no more "something for the 1st time for women".

I hope there will be a day that there is no more "something for the 1st time for women".

Congratulations for starting a WE party. This is the first time I have become a member of a party. My background is working for 10 years in the private sector and financial institutions and over 22 years in the public sector, mainly housing and homelessness. I would like to see that WE have a clear policy on educating our girls and boys to have respect for each other and be kind and compassionate human beings; children who have respect for the environment and are against any form of violence at home, outside home and internationally. I hope there will be policies on fairer distribution of income and reduction in the gap between the poorest and the richest in our communities.. Best of luck

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