4th January 2023
Happy New Year, Hatch Warren and Beggarwood!
I'll be very brief this month as I know your inboxes are brimming with festive leftovers and catching up. But I wanted to share three things with you: firstly, the end-of-year round up video I made celebrating all our work of 2022 which you can watch here. We're so happy with everything we achieved! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HKs7H-BDUE
Next, I'm holding an Ask Me Anything session at the Holly Blue pub on Thursday 19th January from 7-9pm. This is an opportunity to pose any questions you might have about me, or WE, because I believe we should be open to scrutiny if we want your vote. Plus, as a grassroots political party who is small but mighty, our strength lies in our flexibility for branches to focus on what really matters to their area and residents. So I ask – what matters to YOU in 2023? We have plans and ideas that cover everything from cost of living and equal pay, to childcare and local infrastructure, to healthcare and education. But WE Basingstoke want to be guided by you. Why not pop along for a bit, ask me anything you want to know and tell us what you want us to turn our formidable volunteer team to?!
Lastly, our branch will be meeting online to lay out plans for the year on 26th January at 7:30pm. If this is something that interests you or you'd like to meet the team, everyone is welcome and you can register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclcuqrrDguGtwNcZnK1KOjg8PxyUjpY6JB
I hope the new year is good to you and yours, and I'll see you on your doorstep soon!
Best wishes,
Stacy Hart
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