Putting women's rights at the heart of Brexit - Women's Equality

Putting women's rights at the heart of Brexit

Putting women's rights at the heart of Brexit

WE are standing in the European elections

While other parties will be fighting the European elections as another in-out referendum, we will be pushing not just to “Remain” -- but to Advance. We will be standing for cooperation because austerity, human trafficking and climate change require us to think big. We will be standing for representation because women and minorities must lead the charge against the rise of fascism. And we will be standing for progress by pushing for a new social deal across all European countries.

WE are fighting for a People's vote with an option to remain

Women's voices were silenced in the first referendum - Boris Johnson alone received more coverage than all the coverage of female spokespeople combined. 

Since the vote politicians from across the political spectrum have roundly failed to put aside party interests and fight for the interests of the British people. As a result the two main parties are now pushing us towards the kind of Brexit that could devastate women’s lives. 

WE are fighting for a people's to ensure that the people have a final say on Brexit. 

WE are fighting to protect Women's rights in Parliament

WE have been fighting to protect Women's Rights throughout the Brexit debate. Our amendment Theresa May’s Article 50 legislation together with the Green Party received the widest cross-party support of any amendment to the government bill. The amendment, that sought protections for women’s employment rights and would have ensured Parliament’s future sovereignty over equality legislation received unprecedented cross-party support and was signed immediately by MPs from Labour, the SNP, Liberal Democrats, the SDLP and Plaid Cymru.

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Published and promoted by Catherine Smith on behalf of the Women's Equality Party
at Women's Equality Party, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

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