Taking Action is Empowering - Women's Equality

Taking Action is Empowering

Taking Action is Empowering

There is so much inequality and difficult news to deal with in our daily lives that it could be easy to feel powerless, but our Monday Motivation showed us how collective efforts can highlight an issue and become the means to make change.

Activism takes many forms. Branch officer Louise for example told us how she is involved in an End Sexism in Schools crowd research project to look at the gender balance of plays and literature taught at Key Stage 3 in schools.

The results are not unexpected, but once data exists, it can no longer be ignored. Being involved with this project gives Louise the satisfaction of working toward the WE policy area of #EqualEducation. Follow .@noschoolsexism to show your support if this is also your area of interest and learn how 30 minutes of your time can help the project along.

So how can WE work together to make a difference in your local area? Join us to discuss our activities of the last month and plan for the months ahead. 

Branch meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 20th July.

Although often used negatively, the word activism covers anything you do toward making a difference. This is why WE share our branch news and let you know how you can get involved. Signing a petition, emailing your local councillor or MP adds your voice to a collective and lets them know that they should listen.

WE know that during Euro2020 domestic violence will have surged. Therefore current WE party activism is to ask all newly-elected councillors to commit to action on ending violence in their first 100 days in office.

Alsager members and supporters have a unique opportunity to influence the election campaigns of the six candidates in the Town Council by-election. If they want your vote, ask them what they propose to do to end Violence against Women and Girls. Ask them to commit to becoming a White Ribbon Council

For any help, come along to our branch meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 20th July.

In the meantime there is plenty of 'Unfinished Business' in this British Library online exhibition which brings together stories, people and events in the fight for women's rights in Britain.

Taking action is definitely empowering and volunteering is wonderfully fulfilling!  

Thank you for supporting equality!


Kim, Hannah, Deborah, Kay, Jane, Sally, Verity, Kate and Louise

Women's Equality Cheshire East Branch Team



Tuesday 20th July branch meeting, Congleton Pride on Saturday 21st August 

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Donate to Cheshire East branch At the Women's Equality Party, we rely on your support to keep campaigning on vital issues such as: childcare, social and climate justice, male violence and gender equality.



March 2022 End Sexism in Schools report published 

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Published and promoted by Catherine Smith on behalf of the Women's Equality Party
at Women's Equality Party, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

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