A Warm Welcome - Women's Equality

A Warm Welcome!

A Warm Welcome!

Dear Friend --

After a well-earned rest following our support for the London elections, the Cheshire East branch offers a very Warm Welcome to our new members and supporters, and Membership Motivation to one and all!

WE do hope that you are enthusiastic because there’s still more to do! 

Join meeting - 19:30 Monday 21st June

Firstly, WE invite you to join us at our branch event at 7.30pm on Monday 21st June where you’ll be inspired by some of our members telling us why they joined the party and describing how they work with others to address concerns they feel truly passionate about.

  • WE’ve got plans for a branch survey to ask what your own special interests are, and how you would like to be involved.
  • WE’ll plan events with your policy interests in mind and create a link to the schedule on our branch page.
  • WE’ll let you know about opportunities to sign petitions, attend seminars, gain skills 
  • And most importantly WE’ll support each other to get our voices heard.

So whether you are not really sure about what you could do, or whether you already know what you absolutely must do to #BuildBackEqual, come along and meet others who feel exactly the same way! 

Secondly, WE ask you to follow our branch on social media. Equality for women is a message worth sharing, and with your help, even more people will get to hear it.

Follow and like us on Facebook

Follow us on twitter at: @wepcheshireeast & @kaywesley

Subscribe to our YouTube channel

Thirdly, if you can’t wait to get started here are some actions before WE meet next week! Click on the links to find out more...

17 June: New Economics Foundation launch of the Living Income campaign

18 June: Listen to WEP leader Mandu Reid at the launch of COVID-19 impact reports: Inequalities of Gender & Class

There's still more to do!

Thank you for supporting equality!

Kind regards

Deborah, Kay, Jane, Sally, Verity,​ Emma, Louise, Kim, Hannah and Kate

Branch Team

Women's Equality Cheshire East


Donate to Cheshire East branch At the Women's Equality Party, we rely on your support to keep campaigning on vital issues such as: childcare, social and climate justice, male violence and gender equality.


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© Copyright Women's Equality Party. All rights reserved
Published and promoted by Catherine Smith on behalf of the Women's Equality Party
at Women's Equality Party, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

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