The Policy Representatives team organises two online policy forums for members each year to support the development of party policy and helps to continue policy work between meeting and conferences.
Meet your Policy Representative candidates:
Monika Radojevic
Dear wonderful WEP members. I am an award-winning poet, writer, proud member of the Party and former staff member, having worked there for two and a half years.
I’m throwing my hat into the ring to become a policy representative, because I believe that my years of experience with the party, academic background in politics and policy, and storytelling ability make me a strong addition to the team.
I’m also very familiar with our current policies - having been responsible for communicating them when I was a staff member! During last year’s conference, I also submitted a successful motion about media misogyny. I’m excited to get back into the workings of the party to fight for a fairer, freer world for everyone.
Although all of WEP’s objectives are deeply important to me, I have always been most moved by our objective to end VAWG. I will never stop advocating for the right to live free of the threat and fear of violence, and I hope to join a team of brilliant and inspiring women at WEP to continue to do exactly that. If you agree, please do vote for me to join the other Policy Representatives! Thank you so much.
Katelyn Severn
My policy journey has evolved through each conference, first submitting an amendment to a motion, then speaking in motion debates, to finally designing a motion. This has led me to engage with existing WEP policy on a fine-grained level, and I love getting passionate about the most minute details and seeing how they create the strongest possible policies.
Building policy from scratch taught me a lot about the existing framework of WEP policy, including what I wasn’t so enthused about regarding our policy and its mode of development, and I am desperate to make the process of developing our policies as quick and simple as possible.
Getting our motion voted through is honestly one of the things I am most proud of- and I would love to be in a position when I can help evolve our party policies to reflect all the passions of the membership.
I hope to represent the wisdom and experience of all the wonderful women I’ve worked with and learned from – without whom Richmond branch wouldn’t have been able to make the strides it has, and I hope I get to bring all of that to the policy committee as an elected policy representative.
Jane Whild
Elect me and I will bring my energy, leadership and research management experience to the Party. My passions are listening to communities and engaging with policy makers. I’m like a magpie that collects shiny gems, as I’m always on the lookout for impactful stories or reports about gender equity issues. I have pointed my local policy makers to some of the authoritative and persuasive evidence that I have gathered. This has led to some actual policy tweaks and adoptions in my borough.
I will also bring my systems thinking skills to the role. I see the big picture and connections but can delve into the finer details. I am sensitive to context, for example, I use gender-neutral approaches to avoid stereotyping people but check that intersectional group needs are considered.
It's vital to engage members in co-developing our policy portfolio. I will help the membership to ask probing questions about rival parties’ policies. I will also encourage members to respond to public consultations. We must actively point policy makers to our WEP policies and our emerging ideas. We must persuade them to make equitable responses to the societal challenges that we face. Vote for Jane Whild for Policy Committee.
Alice Jackson
I’m a passionate feminist with extensive experience leading grassroots organising, campaigning, and survivor advocacy and support. In March 2021, I co-founded Strut Safe, a free helpline to support people getting home safely. I ran the organisation for two years and in March 2023, I addressed the United Nations regarding my work at Strut Safe and the fight to end violence against and achieve liberation for women.
I have been a working partner and leader of a number of VAWG policy campaigns including the global #HANDSOFF campaign along with UNICEF, UN Women UK and Grazia’s campaign to end cyberflashing and the successful cross-org campaign to lower the price of the morning after pill in 2020. I was part of The 2022 Equality Act Reform Commission in Westminster and am a member of the Scottish Government’s Working Group to end male violence against women. Currently I am working with the Scottish Government to develop legislation to combat misogyny and sexual violence.
As a party member and long time supporter of the WEP, I would be honoured to contribute to our vital work and develop policy that addresses societal
inequity. Vote for me, Alice Jackson, to become a policy representative for the WEP
Juliana Ojinnaka
I am a lecturer, mother of three children and trade union activist. I am committed to fighting all forms of discrimination and oppression against women and those with protected characteristics, I believe that those women who carry most of society’s burden are the ones left out of policy decisions making either deliberately or by omission and issues of concern to them are not debated or discussed rendering them voiceless.
The election of WE Party Policy Representative will, I hope, put an end to their under representation. Like any other political institution, WE have to develop policies, practices, procedures and strategies to deal with discriminatory and oppressive practices from employment, housing, low pay and precarious contracts, sexual harassment, racial discriminations to poor political representation and the provision of the training required to address these issues.
It requires a conscious decision to create spaces at the table for all women to be represented and their voices heard. This is a big ask, but it can be done if we are committed.
I would like to be part of the policy making team if given the opportunity. Elect me and WE can make it happen.