Party Business 2018 - Outcomes
Following party motion debates and voting at our 2018 conference, each motion has now been updated below with the results as to whether they passed, fell or were referred back. You can download each motion below or you can download all motions in one document. For the rules that governed the proceedings of our party conference please review the Standing Orders.
Steering Committee reports
Steering Committee report
Finance report
Appeals Body report
Announcement of random selections to Steering Committee
Outcome: All approved
Business motions - internal structures and processes
Special debates at conference (emergency motion)
Sophie Walker, Leader
Outcome: Passed
Governance review: Steering Committee (emergency motion)
Chris Paouros, Executive Committee
Outcome: Passed
Branch representation in decision making
Emma Ko, Camden branch
Outcome: Fell
Amendment A: Clarifying eligibility for hub coordinator and data manager roles
David Renton, Edinburgh branch
Outcome: N/A - motion fell
Governance review:
- Executive Committee (emergency motion)
- Leader (emergency motion)
- Policy Committee (emergency motion)
- Appeals Body (emergency motion)
Edited constitution with changes as proposed by this motion
Chris Paouros, Executive Committee
Outcome: Separate vote on lines 46-52, which fell
Remaining motion content passed.
Sophie Walker, Steering Committee
Outcome: Passed
Policy development
Sophie Walker, Leader
Outcome: Passed
Athena Stevens, Steering Committee
Outcome: Passed
Explicit inclusion of video games in WE Policy on Equality in the Media
Caroline Hunt, Pamela Ritchie
Outcome: Passed
Health and social care
A motion to protect the long-term sustainability of the NHS
Sophie Walker, Leader
Outcome: Passed
A policy on health and social care
Athena Stevens, Steering Committee
Access the proposed Equality in Health policies >>
Outcome: Passed
Abi Pattenden, Hove and Portslade branch
Outcome: Passed
Equalities legislation
Making equal pay and equal caregiving a reality in the modern labour market
Eleanor Hemmens, Harini Iyengar, Policy Committee
Outcome: Passed
Update the Equality Act to include socio-economic status as a protected characteristic
Sellisha Lockyer
Outcome: Referred Back to the Policy Committee to develop
Amy Killen, Chris Paouros
Outcome: Referred Back to Policy and Data Committees for consultation of members
Amendment A: Maintaining the protections of the Equality Act 2010
Magda Devas
Outcome: N/A - motion referred back
Equal Parenting and caregiving
Ratification of manifesto policies:
Margaret Kerbey, Policy Committee
Outcome: Passed
Nine months shared parental leave on 90% of pay
Dianna Moylan, Policy Committee
Outcome: Passed
Writing off historic child support arrears
Joanna Archer, Bath branch
Outcome: Passed
Brexit and Migration
A Women's Equality Party policy on Brexit
Bea Gare, Steering Committee
Outcome: Passed
Amendment A: Deletion of lines 19 – 21 inc.
Jill Lorimer, Richmond branch
Outcome: Passed
Amendment B: To ensure that the proposed People’s Vote...includes the Option to Remain
Sarah Dodgson
Outcome: Passed
Ensuring that settled status will take into account women’s, children’s and vulnerable groups’ needs
Guilene Gaspais, Islington branch
Outcome: Passed
Protecting migrant domestic workers against abuse and servitude
Guilene Gaspais, Islington branch
Outcome: Passed
Ending Violence Against Women
Abolish the single payment system of Universal Credit
Emma Hopkins Jones, York branch
Outcome: Passed
Delivering nil cap limit on local authorities’ sexual entertainment venues Policies
Charlotte Mead, Sheffield branch
Outcome: Passed
Affordable housing
Pamela Ritchie, Virginie Bellaton
Outcome: Passed
Equal Education
Provision for Parental-Engagement Programmes in Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Leah Jewett, Camden branch
Outcome: N/A - Referred Back to Policy Committee
Rufus Duits, Steering Committee
Outcome: Passed
From STEM to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Design and Maths)
Rebecca Manson Jones, Athena Stevens
Outcome: Passed