Join us for a debate between all candidates in the running to become the Women's Equality Party Leader.
Leadership debates will also be taking place in Bristol, London and Manchester.
Debates will give members the opportunity to raise the issues that matter to them and find out more about each candidate's vision for our party's future. If you are a party member, you will receive an email giving you the chance to submit a question.
Tickets are free but attendees must RSVP using the form below. Please be prepared to show your confirmation email on entry to the venue. If you wish to cancel your space, please use the link in your confirmation email.
This venue is on the ground floor and has ground level access. There are accessible toilets on the ground floor. A hearing induction loop is available at this venue, and priority seating can be arranged. Please contact [email protected] to discuss accessibility requirements with us in advance of the event.
February 17, 2018 at 1:00pm - 2pm