Our official GLA manifesto will be published in 2021. Check out our core objectives below!
WE are putting sex and gender at the centre of healthcare policy to support healthier outcomes all round - from access and provision to treatment and support.
WE can create an equal parliament in just two elections. Without change, we will be waiting at least 50 years - and WE are not prepared to wait that long. In business, the judiciary and politics - women deserve equality.
WE can make equal pay a reality. For every hour they work, women still earn just 81p of every pound earned by men. Women earn less per hour, less per job and less overall.
Our goal is to achieve truly shared parenting and caregiving. This will help reduce the pay gap, permit more women to take on decision making positions, enable more men to take part in childcare, and allow more children to benefit from time with both their parents.
We can use our nurseries and schools as engine rooms for possibility, inspiring young women and men to achieve their full potential, free from gendered expectations about the life they should lead.
Equality for women requires real cultural change, and the media has to be at the centre of that. It has to change to ensure our girls and boys grow up comfortable in themselves and to make it clear equality is ‘normal’.
Thanks to catcalls in the street, everyday sexism, the chance of being groped or molested on public transport, and domestic violence in the home, millions of women feel unsafe every day of their lives.