Islington Resources - Women's Equality

Islington Help and Support

Islington Help and Support

Some resources to support you that have come on our radar.

General support lines

  • WAI - We Are Islington - general helpline for those needing food, medicines, or practical support by Islington Council - 020 7527 8222 (9am-5pm daily)
  • Islington Citizens Advice Bureau - free confidential service to Islington residents in relation to welfare benefits, housing, debt, employment and consumer issues - 0344 488 9626
  • Help on your doorstep - offers telephone support/ advice and signposting (Connect Service), Monday – Friday 10am-4pm:  [email protected] or 020 3931 6080.

Loneliness, isolation, & mental health

  • Age UK Islington - 020 7281 6018 (9am-5pm)
  • Silverline - 0800 470 8090
  • Samaritans UK - 116 123

Domestic violence

  • Solace: free and confidential support for women and men in Islington affected by domestic abuse. Call 020 3795 5070 or email [email protected]


  • Street Link - Concerned about somebody sleeping rough? @Tell_StreetLink on Twitter, call 0300 500 0914 or visit the Street Link website.

Health & Bereavement

  • Camden, City, Islington & Westminster Bereavement Service: Camden City Islington Westminster Bereavement Service provide bereavement and loss counselling delivered by counsellors and therapists. Call them on 020 7284 0090
  • Healthwatch Islington: Healthwatch Islington is currently running a signposting service, answering people’s questions about local health care services.  0207 832  5814.

Families, children, & young people

  • Barnados: A dedicated helpline and webchat support service for Children and their families from Black and Asian backgrounds (BOLOH):  0800 1512605,
  • Home-start Camden and Islington: provides phone-based parenting support and guidance for families with children under the age of five who are experiencing difficulties or are vulnerable. 020 7424 1603.
  • Kooth: An online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people,

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at Women's Equality Party, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

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