The Leicester Branch has been meeting regularly for the past year and a half and now it's time for our very 1st Annual General Meeting!
Which we’re very excited about. As with all AGM’s there will be a voting in of officers – this is not already a forgone conclusion so if you’re interested in taking or sharing an officers role within your local Women’s Equality Party, then get in touch before and come along and let us know.
WE are also busy appointing a local whirlwind of energy – identity TBC – as our Key Note Speaker.
Our AGM will also give you opportunity to hear about the work WE have done locally as a Branch, but also specific areas of work completed by our Sub-Groups; Ethos, Education, Election and Violence Against Women & Girls. Maybe one of these more focused areas fits your specific interest or activism?
Refreshments available as well as opportunity for a chat. WE hope to see you there! Register here:
If you have any special needs for you to access our AGM then please do email us with details [email protected] before the 1st September.