Need a new challenge for 2017 – want to do something positive? Join WEP Lewisham for a taster workshop on becoming or supporting a WE candidate for your local council.
Elections for Lewisham Borough (and other London Boroughs) Council will be held in 2018 - perhaps sooner if there’s a by-election for any reason.
In Lewisham, we’re lucky to have one of the most experienced teams of candidates and campaigners in WEP and we’re gearing up to build the team so that we can stand again next year.
If you are a member of the Women's Equality Party with an interest in being involved in an election campaign either as a canvasser, canvas captain, volunteer at events and/or as a candidate in your local ward.
If you’re interested and shy, interested and bold, interested but haven’t got a clue about what any of that last sentence means, this workshop is for you.
We are aiming to run a series of workshops over the coming months to build our knowledge and share our experiences. Over the year we will cover all elements of being a WEP candidate/campaigner. To start us off we’ll have a general introduction/taster into:
* what it means to be a candidate and then a councillor
- practically, politically, personally
* a discussion about Lewisham (or your borough) as a place - vision for 10-20 years time
Politics suffer from short-termism and participation by a small group of people - WE are going to do it differently
Small health warning: joining this group does not mean you will be automatically selected by WEP or WEP Lewisham to stand (but we hope it’ll help). Joining the group does mean you are prepared to share knowledge and experience with other people.
The taster workshop will be led by Rebecca Manson Jones who stood as part of the WEP London list in the GLA elections in May and in the recent Brockley Ward by-election. Rebecca is a theatre director and also an accredited action learning facilitator so you’ll be in safe hands.
“I love the vibe you create. I expected to be nervous but everyone was so friendly” (participant from a previous workshop).
The workshop is free (donations welcome) all members of WEP are welcome. Come along to the initial taster on Thursday 9th March 7-9pm.
The workshop will he held in an accessible venue. Please contact us if you have any access requirements.