Mandu Reid - Interviews

Mandu Reid - Interviews

Mandu Reid - Interviews

Violence against women should be recognised as a national threat - Good Morning Britain

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'Policing is only part of the solution. Violence against women and girls is a function of women's inequality in society. We have to invest in preventing these crimes, not just managing them when they happen. So that takes a whole system, whole society approach and that takes political will.'

Enough is Enough - CNN

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'What's getting in the way of change at this point?' 'A lack of political will - it's as simple as that. Violence against women and girls is a cause and consequence of women's inequality'.

Ethnicity, Heritage and Upbringing - Mixed Messages

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'It’s important to embrace complexity. Particularly in this polarised culture, where we oversimplify everything and create division, divisiveness and demonisation when we actually need the opposite.'

Til Death Do Us Pod featuring Mandu Reid, Tova Leigh and Mike Leigh

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'We talked about how the party is tackling all the important issues (violence against women, pay gap, childcare etc) and not just on International Women's Day, but all year round. Why other political parties don't have 'women's rights' at the top of their agenda, and why WEP’s work is so important and needed. We were so inspired by her words about feminism, why it's not a hostile word, why the party is also for men and why they should get behind their agenda, and how she deals with resistance from women themselves.' - Tova Leigh

We are DAME - the Pioneer

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'Early on, she made a promise to herself: “if I’m going to do this, I refuse to wear the fancy dress of a politician because I want to be at peace with doing the work that I care about, without losing my sense of self and my identity.'

Running for London Mayor

>> Read this piece in the Telegraph

I want to put myself out of a job. I want things to change so there’s no need for a party like mine. But I’m not going to be retiring anytime soon. Progress has at best stalled - and in many cases looks like it’s heading in reverse.

London should be ‘sanctuary city’ for abused migrant women, mayoral hopeful says - Metro

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‘It is a solution to dealing with how male violence against women and girls affects some of the most marginalised women in our city’, she explains, branding migrant women the ‘backbone of how our city functions’ because of the jobs they often do.'

Violence against women – how men can change the narrative - Sky News

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I've been groped. I've been catcalled. I've been groped. I've been threatened. My experience is not exceptional.

Amanpour: Dr. Anthony Costello, David Spiegelhalter, Mandu Reid, Jackson Katz and Jahana Hayes

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'Then turning to the shadow pandemic of violence against women, the kidnap and murder of 33-year-old British woman Sarah Everard has shocked the nation and sparked a conversation about sexual assault, harassment and women’s safety. Mandu Reid, the leader of the Women's Equality Party, and Jackson Katz, an anti-violence educator, explain why it’s so important we reframe the conversation and hold men accountable.'


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