Relationships and sex should be wonderful parts of our lives. But that means every relationship should have the willing consent of both people at its heart. And that just isn’t the case, yet.
One in four students has been a victim of unwanted touching or groping. There are nearly 100,000 rapes or attempted rapes every year. Rape myths – like the assumption that victims wearing revealing clothing are “asking for it”, or that it isn’t a rape unless the victim physically fought back – still prevail.
The importance of consent should be taught at school, college and university.
All public servants, especially police, but also teachers, health workers and those caring for vulnerable people, should learn about consent – and be taught about the reality of rape myths, too. And the media need to learn too, and stop trivialising violence against women and girls.
WE want to reach out and persuade every school, college and university to get them on board – but we need your help.
Donate to back our campaign for sexual consent classes for all students.