Pass The Mic - Women's Equality

Avoiding lockdown presenteeism

by Cheryl Clements


Given our collective current reality, it’s hard to remember the time when we schlepped to work even when ill because we didn’t want to “let anyone down”. Or skulked out of the office, leaving a jacket on a chair to avoid looking like we were, heavens forbid, leaving on time.

Where's the data on BAME deaths?

by Sarabajaya Kumar


Since Boris Johnson’s return to Downing Street, the government’s narrative that coronavirus doesn’t discriminate continues. Anyone can contract Covid-19, from shop workers and bus drivers to the prime minister. So we must “stay home, protect the NHS, save lives”.

Students aren't failing, they're caring

by Caroline Hunt


Last week, an article in the Times claimed that two thirds of students were “failing to participate” in online classes. However, while the figure may be accurate (with research from the Sutton Trust suggesting that only 34% of children have taken part in live or recorded online classes), the sentiment is not.

Where can abuse victims go?

by Charlotte Kneer 


Those of us who work in the sector know there will be more victims of domestic abuse needing help after lockdown ends. Situations that were already abusive will have escalated. Isolation has handed abusers more power. So we know we will need more accommodation. What we don’t know is how we will provide it.

Carers need pay, not badges

by Freya Papworth 


It’s “too soon” to be talking about a pay rise, it’s not the right time to be ‘political’, and "now is not the time" to talk about gender. But here - let me show you this badge we made and are going to sell you to show our appreciation.

Modernising parliament for equality

by Pamela Ritchie 


As MPs return to work today, many will be getting their heads around what their job looks like in a world where social distancing and remote working are the new normal.

We Should All Pass The Mic

by Mandu Reid 


Some have hailed the Covid-19 crisis as ‘a great leveller.’ I thought this was nonsense from the beginning. Instead, I see this virus and the havoc it has reaped as ‘a great revealer’. It has brought into even sharper focus how deeply unequal our society is. It’s forced us to recognise how interconnected we all are and how vulnerable our whole society is when those who need support most are denied it, and denied a voice.


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Published and promoted by Catherine Smith on behalf of the Women's Equality Party
at Women's Equality Party, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

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