Today WE announce our first set of policies and campaigns. Watch the full video here.
It is just six months since Catherine Mayer and Sandi Toksvig had the idea for a Women’s Equality Party to transform the life chances of women in our country and so build a better society for all.
You can catch up on all the action here Share and discuss with the hashtag #WElaunch.
And you can watch with a BSL interpreter here
And of course, you can download the policy document here.
Remember, there's still time to sign up as a Founding Member. You can join us here in making history.
You can find out more about the party's (short!) history here, contact your local branch here, and read our mission statement and core objectives here.
Thank you for your interest in women's equality as WE start our journey: this is only the beginning.
Together WE really can deliver change.
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Facebook TwitterI also believe that some feminists refuse to acknowledge the problems of sweatshop labour abroad, as well as refusing to acknowledge double barrel feminism. For example, refusing to acknowledge that women of different races, religions and sexual orientation can be discriminated against for these reasons as well as sexism.
Finally, it is not clear your views on trade unions. I am part of a group of workers who are taking action against their employer under the EVP (Equal Value Pay) Act. The only reason we were made aware of this possible breach of legislation was through our trade union.
On a second point, having studied archaeology here in Sweden, and working with what is known in Sweden as ‘genus arkeologi’ (feminist and gender archaeologies under the same umbrella) the stigma which had attached itself to the word ‘feminism’, is counterbalanced in Sweden into a more accommodating and less alienating word, ‘genus’. i I have personally experienced negative reactions to the word feminism when I have expressed my beliefs and feelings, and some of these have been from women. A feminist ideology is one thing but in order to form one coherent voice, there is something wise about getting my old uncle to eat ‘bean stew’ having previously turned his nose up at the same dish described as being vegetarian! Food for thought…
i Arwill-Nordbladh, E., 2001. Genusfosrskning inom arkeologin.
PS I am 60 on 29th and this is best present ever! I thought I’d never see the day
way that resonates – is full of common sense and humour – thanks:)