Stand Up For Dads - Women's Equality 2015

Stand Up For Dads

Stand Up For Dads

It is no wonder many fathers feel unable to take time away from work for their children when this is widely portrayed as unmanly. Adverts routinely tell us dads don’t know how to make sandwiches or do the washing up, let alone care for a tiny human being.

Even hospitals don’t seem to take dads seriously. Many treat new fathers and new co-parents as visitors who have to stick to visiting hours or at best sleep in a chair. All new mums should be allowed a partner with them 24-7 if they choose. 

Nappy changing facilities shouldn’t be only in the women’s toilets. Men change nappies too! Play groups and local services for parents should welcome parents of any gender and sexuality.

WE have to work together to change this. By speaking out every time we see dads excluded we can raise awareness and get businesses, hospitals, and even advertisers to change. It only takes a moment to mention it - in a café, at a nursery or in a hospital. And you can complain about ads online with just a tweet or an email.


Yes, I will stand up for dads!


41 signatures

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Published and promoted by Catherine Smith on behalf of the Women's Equality Party
at Women's Equality Party, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

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