Debate & decision making
What happens at Party Conference?
At Party Conference WE will:
Discuss and approve the WE Constitution
Improve and endorse the WE Policy Document
Select a Policy Committee and explore how WE want to make policy decisions
Experiment with innovative ways of reaching a conclusion in a political debate
Discuss and decide on motions
Select representatives for the Steering Committee, which will hold the decision- making power between Party Conferences
Select representatives for the Policy Committee, which will execute the party’s policies between Party Conferences and make new policy proposals.
Party conference will also offer workshops and training and you will have the chance to meet other WE members and supporters from all across the UK.
What is my role as a delegate?
As a delegate you have the right to participate in Party Conference debates, to vote on policy motions, to elect the members of the Policy Committee and representatives to sit on the Steering Committee. You have the responsibility to be present during party business sessions and to ensure the party is operating in line with its core values and policies.
You also have the right, in collaboration with your branch or other WE members, to put forward motions, amendments to motions and ideas for policy discussions.
What is a motion?
A motion is a proposal for discussion and possible adoption as a resolution.
A policy motion can reaffirm the policy of the party or adopt a new policy.
A business motion is a proposal that concerns the internal work of the party.
An emergency motion is a proposal put forward after the deadline for motions is past to address an issue that has come up in the meantime. Emergency motions are not subject to amendment.
Motions are sent out to delegates electronically eight weeks ahead of Party Conference and you will have at least two weeks to submit amendments to the motions if you feel they’re necessary.
Find out more in this guide >>
What is a policy discussion?
Policy discussions are intended to deepen our understanding of current issues and policies that work towards gender equality.
At the first WE Party Conference we will choose six to seven topics to discuss in break-out sessions. This exercise will help us as a party to form our own ways of having political debates.
Find out more in this guide >>
Download the WE Standing Orders >>
WE need you! Join a Committee
Here's where the personal meets the political.
Here's your chance to take an active part in creating Women's Equality Party politics.
WE are looking for passionate, driven and engaged party members to play key roles.
Find out more about joining the WE Policy Committee >>
Find out more about the WE Steering Committee >>
Applications for both committees must be sent to [email protected] by 1st October, 2016. All positions will be elected by party conference.
The Steering Committee will also be appointing five people to serve on a new Appeals Body.
Send suggestions for nominations (self-nominations welcome) by 6th October at the latest.