Just 7% of all sport coverage is of women’s sport: 9% on TV and 2% of articles in the papers. People say: “No-one’s interested”. But it’s a vicious circle. If there’s no coverage, how can anyone get interested?
It matters because young girls and women need active, healthy role models – not be told that sport is for men and boys alone. Plus, let’s face it: the England women’s teams have outperformed the men’s in the last football, cricket, and rugby World Cups. If you want to see winners, watch the women!
WE love watching men’s sport – but WE love watching women’s sport too. It’s time to get together and prove to the broadcasters and newspapers that there really is demand.
WE’re asking the media to make a simple pledge: to double coverage of women’s sport in five years – and then double it again.
So join with us and tell the media there is demand: WE love sport.
Instead of a vicious circle we can create momentum for change: the more coverage, the more interest there will be – bringing with it more money from sponsorship and tickets to support the grass roots, and help more women into sport at every level.
Tell the media YES! I love sport, too.