About the Women’s Equality Party

About the Women’s Equality Party

About the Women’s Equality Party

Imagine a world where women enjoy the same rights and opportunities as men. Where gender inequality is a thing of the past. Where everyone is able to flourish.

That’s what WE are here to achieve.

WE are a collaborative and innovative force in UK politics

The Women’s Equality Party is a collaborative force in UK politics. WE are here to unite people of all genders, ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs and experience to realise a future where gender equality is the norm.

Because when women fulfil their potential, everyone benefits. WE can all flourish.

Gender equality means better politics, more inclusive policies, a more vibrant economy, a workforce that draws on the talents of the whole population and a society that’s at ease with itself. 

For this future to be achieved, WE know that everyone will need a seat at the table. This means ensuring that both our party and our politics are always informed by the views and experiences of those doubly or trebly disadvantaged. By their gender and by other factors, such as ethnicity, age or disability.

This is about giving a voice to everyone. Not just those who hold the mic.

It started as a quiet conversation, now it’s a national movement

Back in 2015, WE were just the inkling of an idea. A conversation between author Catherine Mayer and comedian Sandi Toksvig. Two women fed up with the status quo, tired of feeling frustrated and not seeing anything change.

It was time. Time to shake up politics after seeing power held by the same few hands for far too long. Time to raise our voices. Time to make some waves.

WE’re now a national political party with thousands of members across the UK. WE’ve garnered the support from people who have never engaged with politics before/never thought they'd engage with politics, all the way through to regular campaigners and commentators. And WE’ve seen our campaigns step into the limelight, featuring in mainstream conversation, making national headlines and shaking up the status quo in Westminster.

Choosing change over power, because equality is better together

The Women’s Equality Party was born off the idea to influence. Although we will bring about change by winning - support, votes and seats - WE are not here to hold power just for the sake of it. Our goal is to put ourselves out of business.

WE are here to collaborate with anyone who shares the same values and beliefs that WE do. 

WE do not try to present ourselves as a party with an answer on every issue and a full palette of policies. And WE will never take a party line on issues outside our remit: to bring about equality for women

WE are a focused mainstream party and WE will not stop until all other mainstream parties embrace and adopt our agenda of equality – and take action to achieve it.

Read our seven core objectives 

Then, become a part of WE



© Copyright Women's Equality Party. All rights reserved
Published and promoted by Catherine Smith on behalf of the Women's Equality Party
at Women's Equality Party, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

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