The Women’s Equality Party’s first Party Conference notes the continuing pernicious effects of revenge pornography, and calls on the government to strengthen the laws of England and Wales against revenge porn as follows:
1. It should be illegal to post or intentionally redistribute any intimate image without the consent of the person depicted.
2. Perpetrators should have to pay damages to victims, with minimum amounts set by statute.
3. Victims should be able to prosecute their cases and seek civil remedies anonymously.
4. The law should apply to images that are doctored but still recognisable, instead of permitting perpetrators to escape liability if they make even a tiny alteration.
5. Websites that host revenge porn should be civilly and criminally liable if they do not take reasonable measures to prevent such images from being posted in the first place and, if posted, to promptly remove them.
The police and prosecutors should be given more resources for training in how to handle revenge porn cases appropriately, and to bring additional cases.