sexism is deeply engrained in society - Janet Hill's suggestion

sexism is deeply engrained in society

sexism is deeply engrained in society

sexism is deeply engrained in society, any endeavour to dig it out and put it to shame must be applauded. I hate to say it but women are also part of the problem, the language they use, the opinions they support are as sexist against their sisters as their male counterparts. Our WHOLE society is predisposed to sexism. Its going to be a long hard task, we need patience and we need to point out sexism whenever we encounter it, whether its a female saying that another woman has 'Got herself pregnant again' (that would be a miracle in itself) to 'She only got that job because she slept with her boss' These phrases undermine the whole of female society and we must become aware of them if we are to truly start to move forward. Lets stop trying to 'fit in' with the male environment, appeasing them in order to make our lives easier. It hasn't worked, its not going to work. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a happy, productive and satisfying life no matter which corner of the globe you reside.

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