Greater London Assembly Elections 2020 - Women's Equality

Greater London Assembly Elections 2020

Greater London Assembly Elections 2020

On 7 May 2020 London will elect a new Mayor and 25 London Assembly Members.

The 2016 mayoral election was the Women’s Equality Party’s first election campaign - and we did amazingly for a party less than a year old! We only missed out on getting a WEP member elected onto the London Assembly by a couple of percentage points.

Four years on, we will have a real chance to get WEP onto the Assembly - and we are already looking for candidates.


Could you be a London Assembly candidate?

The Assembly is made up of 25 members: 11 represent the whole capital and 14 members are elected by constituencies.


What does the London Assembly do?

The London Assembly scrutinises the Mayor’s plans and policies on policing, transport, housing, the economy and more. The Mayor is the voice of the capital and is accountable for making the city a better place for all its residents. As the most powerful directly-elected politician in the UK, it’s therefore important that they are hold to account on this.

As well as policy scrutiny, Assembly Members must be consulted by the Mayor on strategies. They also act as champions for Londoners by investigating issues that are important to the capital. Issues are investigated and policy is developed by cross party committees.

Overall, the Assembly can press for changes to national, Mayoral or local policy.

London Assembly Member is a full time, well paid position. Take a look here if you want more information.


Would you be a great candidate? Do you want to be on our campaign team?

If so, join our meeting on 5 December to find out more about our election campaign. 

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Published and promoted by Catherine Smith on behalf of the Women's Equality Party
at Women's Equality Party, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

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