WE mark Theresa May's 100th day

WE mark Theresa May's 100th day

WE mark Theresa May's 100th day

21 October 2016

Theresa May has failed to act on gender equality – but WE won’t

Today, Theresa May marks her 100th day in office having taken no action to improve the lives of women in the United Kingdom, despite early promises of equality for all. The Women’s Equality Party, which at the start of May’s term as Prime Minister offered her six achievable policies on gender equality, said it would listen to British women as May had shown she would not.

“Theresa May’s inaction has shown that women are still not a political priority for this government,” said Sophie Walker, leader of the Women’s Equality Party. “The Prime Minister is not listening to women in the UK, and is failing to prioritise the policies that will transform millions of lives across the country. We are listening. And we will make sure women are at the top of the agenda.”

To mark Theresa May’s 100th day in office, and the final day of the Women’s Equality Party’s #100daysofMay campaign, WE members and supporters across the country will be canvassing in shopping centres, libraries, cafes, parks and other public spaces to ask women what they want.

“It is still a radical act to ask women what they want,” said Walker. “Many of the women we have spoken to already were surprised to be asked, and did not make the link between what they need in their daily lives and what constitutes ‘politics’. Our ‘What Women Want’ campaign will directly influence our policies and party framework. The results of the project will be unveiled at our first party conference in Manchester in November.”

Walker called on women across the UK to contribute to the ‘What Women Want’ campaign online or in person at a branch event.

“For every woman's voice we add to this survey, our movement for women's equality grows louder until the Prime Minister can hear us,” she said. “The Women’s Equality Party is stepping into the space in politics which has, for so long, barred access to ordinary women. Mainstream politics and politicians are not acting fast enough to make the UK fair for all. We are here to speed up the process, and so I say to all those who are tired of waiting: ‘join us’.”


About #100daysofMay

The #100days of May campaign, backed by Women’s Aid, Women for Refugee Women and IC Change, called on Theresa May to commit to:

  • Sufficient and sustainable funding for specialist services seeking to end violence against women and girls

  • State-funded universal childcare from the end of parental leave at nine months

  • Compulsory sex and relationships education in schools

  • A timeline for ratifying the Istanbul Convention

  • An end to the detention of asylum seekers

  • Equal representation of women in Parliament


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Published and promoted by Catherine Smith on behalf of the Women's Equality Party
at Women's Equality Party, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

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