We are creating a radical new approach to childcare, giving all parents freedom to enjoy family as well as working life.
Currently, the system works for employers, not for parents.
It's time to do things differently. We want your ideas on revolutionising childcare, and creating a radical new approach to how we manage family life in a way that is best for all.
Our plans include:
- investing in free, government-funded childcare from the end of parental leave at 9 months for all children.
- introducing a fully equal system of parental leave so that both parents (including same-sex couples and adoptive parents) get six weeks away from work on 90% of pay, with an additional 10 months of leave at statutory pay to be shared between them.
- allowing single parents to nominate a second caregiver of their choice for this entitlement.
WE are going to value care and revolutionise family life, so that our society and economy will prosper.
We need to take bold steps to ensure that we begin to truly value care.
And that includes caring for the old as well as the young. We will invest in care for older people, including vocational training for carers, and want to hear your thoughts on taking these plans forward.
Investing in caring is a step change, an untried approach. We believe it is the best way to create a better future for all.
We want your ideas. Join the party. Join your local branch. Get involved.
Find out about our economic plans. Find out about our immigration plans.